Protecting Your Irrigation System in a Hurry!

On occasion the cold will come quick, and out of nowhere here in North Carolina. Anytime the temperature falls below 32°, your irrigation system is in danger of being damaged. While the absolute best way to ensure your irrigation system’s safety this Winter is to have it professionally winterized, if you need to protect your system in a hurry, it can be done!



We advise covering your backflow with a trash can. Simply turn the trash can upside down and place it over your backflow. Covering the system will help keep it from freezing for a few days during the extra chilly temperatures. Be sure you cover the backflow entirely without touching it and keeping the trash can flush to the ground.

If you do not have an empty trash can to use, a large plastic storage container or even a large empty cooler will do the trick.


For even more protection from the cold, place a drop cord with a 75 watt bulb under your cover with the backflow. This will provide added warmth directly to your backflow. Just place the bulb under the covering, but not touching the container or your backflow.

An old lamp you do not mind getting dirty will also serve the same purpose.

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